What to Look For in Anti Wrinkle Creams and Lotions

There are some scary ingredients in skin care anti wrinkle cream. Actually, most of our "beauty" aids are really "ugly". But, when it comes to anti wrinkle creams and lotions, companies tend to use even more hazardous compounds.

Maybe, they think that older people don't need to worry about their long-term health or appearance. But, most of us want to live long and productive lives, while protecting our appearance, as much as possible.

I have read a number of reviews for skin care anti wrinkle cream and I feel very sorry for the consumers. Most simply report they are ineffective. But, some people develop rashes, redness or pimples and irritation.

In the worst case that I have read, the woman reported the appearance of new wrinkles and blood vessel growth that she felt had "ruined" her appearance. She was very upset and understandably so.

If there is one thing that anti wrinkle creams and
lotions should not do, it is cause additional damage. If you want to protect your appearance and overall health, don't buy anything that bears a warning label concerning toxic or adverse reactions.

If the company advises you to "test" their anti wrinkle creams and lotions on an "inconspicuous spot", don't take the risk. Leave it on the shelf. Better yet, stop buying products that you see advertised on TV and stop shopping for them in department stores.

Heavily advertised skin care anti wrinkle cream contains the worst ingredients. The company spends more money on advertising than research and development. So, what you end up with is a pretty bottle with a designer name and a nice fragrance, but few effective ingredients and cheap fillers.

Anti wrinkle creams and lotions that are really safe and effective are not sold in department stores and the companies don't advertise on TV. They don't need to. Their products are so good that they sell by word of mouth, alone.

What should skin care anti wrinkle cream contain? The most important component is antioxidants. Dermatologists have found that older
skin cells produce more free radicals and contain fewer antioxidants.

Free radicals break down collagen and other proteins, cause damage to the cellular membranes and eventually DNA strands. Antioxidants prevent, repair and strengthen the cells and fibers, while preventing loss of protein.

These processes occur throughout the body. If we
eat right and take our vitamins, we help prevent damage. Basically, effective anti wrinkle creams and lotions provide the "food" that the outside of our body needs to look good and be healthy.

Look for coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, wakame kelp, honey, avocado, macadamia, olive oil, grape seed oil and amino acid protein peptides. These ingredients provide moisture, prevent protein loss, destroy free radicals, kill bacteria, provide essential fatty acids and protect.

In other words, they do all of the things that
skin care anti wrinkle cream should do, without causing any harmful effects. Your health and safety should always come first.
